SolarAfrica launches Electricity 2.0 – a suite of virtual power solutions

SolarAfrica, a South African independent power producer, has introduced Electricity 2.0 – a new solution designed to help businesses transition from traditional energy sources such as utility power, on-site solar and battery storage to a new category of virtual power solutions. This system allows companies to choose where and when to source electricity, offering more flexibility in terms of pricing and energy mix.

“These energy solutions provide businesses with the ability to decide the most cost-effective and reliable power source whether from Eskom, solar or through wheeling,” says Brandon Horn, Head of Commercial at SolarAfrica. “Electricity 2.0 gives businesses the control to align their energy use with operational needs.”

One of the key features of Electricity 2.0 is wheeling, which enables businesses to purchase electricity generated by SolarAfrica’s solar farms, such as the 1 GW SunCentral project in the Northern Cape, and receive it through the national grid without the need for on-site installations.

In addition to wheeling, the platform offers energy trading and aggregation, allowing businesses to diversify their energy sources and better manage consumption. The system is scalable and can be adjusted to fit businesses of various sizes and energy needs. “Flexible contracts also allow businesses to adjust their power purchases as necessary,” Horn says.

Electricity 2.0 offers long-term price certainty and potential cost reductions. “Businesses could see substantial savings by utilising virtual power solutions. For example, a company spending R16 million on electricity each month could reduce its costs by R4,5 million through the platform, cutting utility power use by up to 60%,” Horn says.

The solution also helps businesses meet sustainability targets by providing access to large-scale renewable energy, Horn adds. Users can track their green energy use through transparent billing and the platform offers renewable energy certificates and carbon credits to support sustainability reporting.