Saying “Yes” to youth employment

The Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group has participated in local government’s 2021 Youth Employment Service (YES) Programme, which took place from 1 March 2021 to 28 February 2022. This experiential learning programme is a joint venture between government and the private sector, with the aim of creating one million work opportunities for unemployed youth.

Through this programme, Bosch Rexroth SA empowered 17 learners between the age of 18 to 25 with workplace experience and workplace readiness skills by working in various departments across the Group over a 12-month period. Participants learned about the roles that the various departments fulfil, as well as the functions performed by employees.

In March this year, the Group proudly celebrated the graduation of 16 learners from the programme. Nine of these leaners have been offered employment at Bosch Rexroth South Africa — in positions ranging from contractual employment (apprenticeships and limited duration contracts) to permanent employment.

“We believe this is a worthy initiative that offers learners valuable experience which they can add to their CV once they’ve graduated, making them more sought-after in a competitive job market. We are proud to have enriched these learners with various skills, especially that of workplace readiness, which will enable them to adjust to future workplace environments easily, empowered with effective communication skills,” comments Chris Riley, CEO, Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group of Companies. The success of the 2021 programme has prompted the Group to commit to the 2022 programme, but with a more ambitious goal of doubling its current enrollment to 34 learners. Hytec South Africa, a Bosch Rexroth Company, sponsored this BBEEE initiative.

Contact Gillian Allin, Bosch Rexroth South Africa, Phone 011 979-4630,,