Global events such as the Covid-19 global pandemic and climate change, accompanied by the carbon reduction drive, has shown us all how interconnected our lives are. These events are forcing behavioural changes on us all, giving rise to innovative ways to work, operate and manage our worlds in all the far-reaching corners of the world. We are thus compelled to adapt, change and be resilient in the face of it all.
Similarly, our power networks, the interconnectedness of our power grids must be just as resilient. They must adapt and transform as we continuously shift to cleaner energy sources in order to build the power system for future generations. This conference will provide a platform to deliberate on subjects that expound on how we can build, transform, adapt a resilient power system for the future.
These discussions will be between electric utilities (generation/transmission/ distribution), municipalities, system operators, regulators, manufacturers and suppliers, universities, standardizing bodies, research laboratories and authorities on topics in the field of the development of electrical systems in Africa.
Preferential subjects
Papers across all study committees are invited. Preference will be given to submissions in the fields of technology, planning, operations and markets as well as those covering actual project and operational experiences with focus on the following subjects:
- Ensuring grid resilience and Infrastructure readiness in the Southern Africa region, resulting from effects of global climate change and decarbonization
- Managing power systems in a pandemic or global event
- New innovations or improvements to existing power systems/grids/network (equipment, systems, control and automation, telecommunications)
- Impact of digital transformation on Southern African power systems (cyber security, digital twins, internet of things)
- Ensuring energy security considering entire value chain (generation [conventional, renewable, storage], transmission, distribution, including microgrids, and distributed energy, resources)
- Ensuring social and environmental sustainability of the rapidly evolving power system
CSIR International Convention Centre, Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria
Abstract submission
Participants wishing to present papers should submit abstracts of no more than 500 words by following instructions on the conference website. The template is available on the conference website. Kindly note all submissions must be in English.
Authors should be available to present at the conference. Postgraduate research student participation is encouraged. All submissions must be in English and made via easychair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cigresa2023
Please note: Submitted papers cannot be submitted for any other conference, especially the 2024 Paris Session. All presenters must register to attend the conference.
Review process
All submissions will be assessed by at least two independent reviewers. Submissions that are accepted by the review panel will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Abstract submission: 17 April 2023
- Abstract acceptance: 22 May 2023
- Paper submission: 24 July 2023
- Paper acceptance: 21 Aug 2023
For more information keep checking the website for details: https://cigresa.org.za/event/11thcigresa-2023/ , www.cigresa-events.co.za
- Organising committee: Sharon Mushabe, (arigyes@eskom.co.za)
- Technical committee: Philip Konig (philip.konig@gmail.com)
- Enquiries / Registration: Anelja de Bok (anelja@activecapture.co.za)
Registration will open on 01 May 2023