Webinar starts at 14h00 today: Renewable hydrogen and green powerfuel opportunities

EE Business Intelligence and the German Missions to South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini are co-hosting a high-level webinar in association with the Infrastructure and Investment Office (IIO) in the Presidency, IHS Markit, Agora Energiewende, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), the National Business Initiative (NBI) and Standard Bank.

DATE: Tuesday 8 June 2021
TIME: 14h00 to 17h00
PLATFORM: Zoom Webinar
COST: No cost, free-of-charge, all welcome

Register to attend the webinar free-of-charge here

The webinar will be used to publicly launch an important hydrogen market study report for South Africa commissioned by German think tank Agora Energiewende, and conducted by IHS Markit, a leading international information and insight company advising governments and businesses worldwide. The study analyses the economics and implementation of hydrogen and power-to-x in South Africa. 

Click here to download the report

Click here to read the press release from IHS Markit

The report is expected to give government labour and business stakeholders a strong fact-base on the opportunity that hydrogen, and ammonia and other power-to-x fuels can offer to South Africa's economic recovery plan to transition to a net-zero carbon pathway, growing the economy, creating jobs, developing national and export energy resources, and helping address climate change and to contribute to the just energy transition.


14h00 – 14h05: Welcome by Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence

14h05 – 14h20: Opening by Hon Martin Schäfer, German Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini

14h20 – 14h40: Keynote address by Dr Kgosientso Ramokgopa, Head: Infrastructure & Investment Office in the Presidency

14h40 – 15h10: Presentation by Dr Andy Barrett, Senior Advisor, Global Energy, IHS Markit

15h10 – 15h30: Presentation by Rian Coetzee, IDC, on behalf of Joanne Bate, COO, Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

15h30 – 15h40: Comfort break

15h40 – 16h00: Presentation by Steve Nichols, Head: Environment & Sustainability,National Business Initiative (NBI)

16h00 – 16h20:  Presentation by Dr Thomas Duve, Director: Southern Africa & Regional Funds, KfW Development Bank

16h20 – 16h50: Q & A facilitated by Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence

16h50 – 17h00: Wrap-up and closure by Sean Evans, Executive: Mining and Metals, CIB, Standard Bank


This is the third in a series of five webinars that explore the policies, business case, technologies and opportunities in South Africa provided by renewable hydrogen and green powerfuels, in the mining, chemicals, electricity, iron and steel, cement, agriculture and transportation sectors.

Green powerfuels are synthetic gaseous or liquid fuels based on renewable hydrogen, which is hydrogen obtained by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. Green powerfuels are therefore a renewable alternative to fossil fuels as their use avoids net emissions of CO2

Green powerfuels are used in sectors which may be difficult to decarbonise and not easily driven directly by renewables-based electricity, including road and rail transportation, shipping, and production of steel, cement and fertiliser, amongst others.

South Africa has exceptional endowments of platinum group metals, wind and solar natural resources, and mature mining, petro-chemical, iron and steel, industrial, agricultural and transportation sectors, coupled with low population density and the availability of relatively low-cost land.

This provides the country a unique opportunity for decarbonisation, re-industrialisation and job creation around the green economy in support of a Just Energy Transition, centred around the production of renewable hydrogen and green powerfuels.

Register to attend the webinar free-of-charge here