Vertical break isolator for heavy industry applications

ACTOM High Voltage Equipment (HVE) recently introduced a vertical break (VB) 33 kV isolator with composite rubber insulators for the first time, with the aim of meeting the special requirements of industrial operations faced with limited space constraints in the high voltage distribution substations.

Craig Aaron, HVE’s senior support manager says that the units are designed mainly for heavy industry, high pollution, indoor substations such as smelters, but are also suitable for high current switching on electric railway locomotives. These VB isolators comply with the ISO 62271 standard for indoor substations, he adds.

These VBs, which are smaller and lighter than standard horizontal double side break isolators, can be used as conventional isolators in either single- or multi-phase, or customised for live-to-earth applications. In the live-to-earth configuration, the VB, once operated, automatically closes in the earth position, making it safe for operators to use.

The units have been designed with low maintenance and ease of operation in mind. This is achieved by using self-wiping low-friction contacts. Furthermore, the hinged part allows the transfer of current without the need for sliding or ‘touch’ contacts.

All of HVE’s VBs are manufactured according to each customer’s specific requirements. They are the only locally manufactured VBs for industrial market available on the market. They offer cost savings due to their smaller footprint and having a single operating mechanism.

These VBs have current-carrying capabilities ranging from 1600 A to 2500 A at 33 kV. The company also offers VBs for 11 kV and 22 kV applications.