Tshwane launches electricity prepaid meter token identity system rollover

The City of Tshwane has initiated the rollover of the electricity prepaid meter token identity system in Eldoraigne (Region 4), Centurion.

The current prepaid meter software, known as Standard Transfer Specification 1 (STS-1), will expire on November 24, 2024. The meter software must be upgraded to STS-2 to function beyond this date.

Tshwane began the rollover process last month in Region 2 and will continue to fast-track the transition to the new system before the expiry period of STS-1.

Meters that cannot be updated will need to be replaced to ensure compatibility with the new token identity values.

The tokens provided at vending stations for electricity purchases currently only comply with STS-1. Tokens purchased before November 2024 will be rejected without refunds after the meter software upgrade.

Field service officials will visit areas to upgrade identified meters and users will be notified when officials are in their area.

The token identity rollout schedule for each region can be accessed here.