The heart of solar PV is how it’s mounted

Information from Valsa Trading

Businesses and homeowners are increasingly turning to photovoltaic (PV) solar to mitigate the often catastrophic effects of power cuts, but with so many ‘Johnny come lately’s’ entering the market, how does the average person who is prepared to invest hard-earned cash in a solar system ensure they would get a quality installation?

Svilen Voychev, the CEO of Valsa Trading, explains that experience is critical since every installation is unique, as are customer expectations. 

How the PV panels are mounted has a direct bearing on the performance of the system. Mounting solutions fall into three general categories: ground-mounted, roof-mounted, and carport-mounted solutions.

  • Ground mount solutions suit clients who have large open spaces and need a solution that can be installed quickly and easily. This solution can be installed on flat or sloping ground and can be customized to meet specific requirements. Ground-mounted solutions are corrosion resistant and are robustly constructed to withstand the harshest weather conditions, mitigating damage to panels during storms, high winds, or heavy snowfall.
  • Roof mount solutions suit clients who have limited space on the ground. They are available in a range of configurations, including ballasted, attached, and hybrid solutions. It is vital that a roof-mounting system is not only a perfect fit but that it is designed to allow the panels to capture the greatest amount of sunlight, ensuring the panels generated the maximum amount of energy possible.
  • Carport mount solutions suit clients who want to maximise the use of their available space and generate renewable energy from their carports. As with roof mount solutions, carport-mount solutions are available in a range of configurations and can be customised to meet the client's specific needs to ensure a reliable and cost-effective solution that can be installed quickly and easily.

Voychev says this company's products are engineered to ensure optimum performance, durability, and flexibility.