Register now for today's 'Eastern Africa Solar Week' virtual conference

Register now to attend the free-of-charge Eastern Africa Solar Week virtual conference

Virtual Event Date: 13th & 14th July 2022
Virtual Event Time: 12h30 to 16h30 South Africa Time

Platinum Partner: Jinko Solar

Join the event to:

·Have a One to One Video Networking with Leaders
·Meeting all your peers virtually
·Access to Networking Tables and Lounge
·Access to Digital Exhibition: Video, Audio Networking options Available
·Participate in Q&A Sessions

Key discussion themes:

*Financing & Constructing Large Scale Solar Projects
*How Mini-grids are Electrifying the Region
*Rooftop Solar: Future Advancements in Project Models, Finance & Technology


Mr. Sammy Borothi, Business Development Manager-SSA, Jinko Solar Co., Ltd.
Mr. Okello Allan, Director, Village Power & & Board Member, Uganda Solar Energy Association
Ms. Beatrice Muthoni, Business Development Manager, East Africa, InfraCo Africa
Mr. Lorenzo Colacicchi, CEO, Ergon Solair
Mr. Duncan Mbogo, Finance Director, Ariya Finergy
Ms. Joan Chahenza, Director Energy Access Financial Advisory, Africa Minigrid Developers Association
Mr. Onesmus Muli, Senior Sales Manager EA, Jinko Solar
Ms. Morgan Gauthier, Operation and technical Manager, Engie Energy Access
Mr. Nicholas Selby, Director of Engineering, Renewvia Energy
Ms. Judith Were, Commercial Development, PowerGen Renewable Energy
Ms. Annette Mumbi, Investment Associate, Crossboundary
Mr. Julius Gitonga, Site Manager, Ariya Finergy

Contact Anand Kumar, Executive - Event Production,