Record PV deal secured

Trina Solar has signed a long-term PV module supply deal with US energy company, NextEra Energy totalling 4 GW. This is possibly the largest order of its kind outside of China.

According to a report by PV Tech, Trina Solar said the PV module supply deal was for its high-efficiency large-area (210 mm x 210 mm) wafer-based modules, known at the Vertex series launched at the beginning of 2020.

According to the report, the deal was struck between Trina Solar (US), and NextEra Energy Constructors and will run from 2022 through to the end of 2023.

Trina Solar has not disclosed which manufacturing plants in Asia would supply the panels.

The company had plans to reach 21,7 GW of high-efficiency Vertex cell capacity by the end of 2022 and 31 GW of module assembly capacity for the Vertex modules in the same timeframe. Trina Solar also has plans to achieve 50 GW of total module assembly capacity by the end of 2021.

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