Reaching out to help fight hunger and give hope

Employees of Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group of Companies gathered to help fight hunger and give hope with Operation Anti-Freeze (an inner-city upliftment project) throughout 2021. Through this initiative, Group employees sourced and assembled Feed-A-Family food packs for the underprivileged communities in the East Rand of Gauteng.

In April 2021, volunteers were hands-on with Operation Anti-Freeze when they measured, sealed, labeled, and stamped dates on over 2 000 food packs. These food packs comprise rice, soya mince, dehydrated vegetables, and a vitamin fortified flavouring sachet.

Bosh Rexroth South Africa extends their hands to help fight hunger and give hope

The Feed-A-Family initiative is run by Non-Governmental Organisation, Elevation Hub. Operation Antifreeze assists Elevation Hub with the preparation of these packs through gatherings that occur every two to three months, and the Group has committed to continue its support in 2022.

Later in the year, volunteers partnered again with the organisation with its Christmas Hamper Drive. These hampers contain more than the standard food packs to sustain children while they are away from school over the festive season. Thanks to the donations, and collection of non-perishable food and toiletries from generous employees of the Group, over 500 hampers were assembled and distributed.

“The Group wanted to make a positive impact to sustain underprivileged families in both the cold South African winter and festive season. We are proud to be part of this initiative and have committed ourselves to assist in this project going forward,” Patricia Dodgen, the personal assistant to Hytec South Africa's general manager.

Contact Gillian Allin, Bosch Rexroth South Africa, Phone 011 979-4630,,