NERSA calls for feedback on new network charges for wheeling

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is inviting public comments on its consultation paper concerning new rules for network charges related to third-party wheeling of energy.

The existing rules, introduced in 2012, governed the pricing of network access and energy transportation across transmission and distribution systems. However, these rules have become outdated due to new tariff codes and do not cover aspects such as grid access and contractual agreements, according to NERSA.

The updated rules aim to establish clear guidelines for charging system users, including energy generators and consumers, for using transmission and distribution networks. Known as use-of-system charges, this is designed to recover the costs of maintaining and operating network infrastructure, excluding connection fees.

Stakeholders are encouraged to review the consultation paper available on the NERSA website under “Consultation > Notices > Electricity”. Comments should be sent to by September 10.