Mine opts for massive off-grid solar-hybrid micro-grid

The Cape Town based subsidiary of German renewable energy specialist juwi AG, signed an agreement with Sukari Gold Mines to design, supply, build and integrate a solar battery hybrid power plant for Egypt’s largest gold mine. Centamin plc owns and operates the mine in partnership with the Egyptian government. The hybrid power plant is expected to be operational in the second quarter of next year, after which juwi will undertake the plant operation and maintenance.

Dave Manning, the director of global hybrids at juwi said, “We look forward to assisting Centamin to reduce carbon emissions and cost of power to the Sukari Gold Mine. This global flagship project highlights significant benefits that African mines can unlock with solar-battery hybrid solutions powered with juwi Hybrid IQ.”

Sukari is a low cost, bulk tonnage open pit and a high-grade underground operation, with significant exploration upside at depth and regionally, within the 160 km2 tenement.

The solar system designed by juwi has maximised generation with bifacial solar PV modules and a single axis tracking system, taking advantage of the high irradiance at the site. Juwi Hybrid IQ micro-grid technology will enable the integration of the solar and battery system into the existing off-grid network and support the operation of the existing power station.

The benefits of the hybrid power solution at Sukari include:

  • Reducing diesel consumption by an estimated 22-million l per year
  • Lowering carbon emissions by an estimated 60 000 t CO2 per every year
  • Reduction of all in sustaining costs
  • Reduced exposure to fuel price volatility
  • Increased reliability of the power system

Amiram Roth-Deblon, the director for global business initiatives at juwi comments: “Our proven track record with hybrid designs and project delivery in locations with some of the world’s best solar resources enables our clients to drive down cash operating costs with maximized throughput and reliability. The collaboration with Centamin and its forward-looking expert advisors has been crucial for the closure of the project. We are glad also to work with our Egyptian construction partner Giza Systems to deliver this groundbreaking project. I would like to thank the entire team for their contribution.”

Stephan Hansen, juwi’s chief operations officer, adds: “The mining industry accounts for 10% of the global energy consumption and many minerals play a vital role for the energy transition. We are glad to support the resource industry on their de-carbonisation pathway with our dependable solar, wind and battery solutions”.

Contact Juwi, Tel 021 831-6100, info@juwi.co.za