Latest update to SA's wind atlas

Where should South Africa establish wind farms in Mpumalanga and Limpopo, South Africa? Are there promising wind resources near the current transmission lines?

These, among other questions, are what Phase 4 of the Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA 4) tries to answer.

The newest Wind Atlas was launched at this year’s Windaba conference.

The Wind Atlas project, which began in 2009 with WASA 1, provides a publicly available resource of wind patterns in South Africa.

WASA 4 focuses on the provinces Mpumalanga and Limpopo and it also verifies older versions of the wind map.

The wind atlas from WASA 3 is already freely available. Just like this future version will be.

The partners undertaking the WASA project consist of the SANEDI, SAWS, CSIR, UCT and DTU. The project is financially supported by the Embassy, the Danish Energy Agency and the Global Environment Facility. And DMRE is both a strong partner and financially supporter.

Now we have a map to the future of green energy and wind turbines on land.

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