Invitation to tender for a PV system at Komati Power Station

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) is extending an invitation to submit a tender MWP1419GX for the provision of design, engineering, procurement, construction, construction management, start-up, commissioning, performance testing, operator and maintenance training of solar agrivoltaics/photovoltaic system for the Komati power station.


  • Tender number MWP1419GX
  • Issue date 03 June 2022
  • Closing date and time 07 July 2022 at 10h00
  • Tender validity period 26 weeks from the closing date and time of the tender

A non-compulsory clarification meeting will be conducted virtually on Microsoft TEAMS. All interested tenderers are invited to submit their names and email address two (2) days prior to the meeting.

  • Email:
  • Clarification meeting date: 15 June 2022
  • Time: 10h00 to 13h00
  • Venue: MS TEAMS

Alternatively, click here to join the meeting

Tenderers must confirm their intention to attend the virtual meeting with the Eskom

A site visit can be requested by the tenderers and shall be arranged if necessary.

Tender address

Tenders are to be delivered to the following address on the stipulated closing date and time:

The tender office, Eskom Megawatt Park, (Next to Eskom retail offices),

01 Maxwell drive, Sunninghill Ext 3, Sandton

Tenderers to observe all Covid-19 protocol when submitting the tenders at Eskom, e.g., the wearing of masks.

The enquiry documents are supplied to you on the following basis:

• Free of charge

Eskom has delegated the responsibility for this tender to the tender representative: Hellen Lebjane, Phone 036 342-3044,

Further details are set out in the Tender Data.

Click here to download the Tender Data for more information

A submission of a tender by you in response to this Invitation will be deemed as your acceptance of the Eskom Standard Conditions of Tender (available here: ).

Queries relating to these Invitation documents may be addressed to the Eskom Tender Representative, Hellen Lebjane (see above).

This invitation to tender is:

  • An open invitation to tender
  • Eskom's rights to accept or reject any tender

The tender shall be for the whole of the contract.

Eligible tenders

Submit a tender only if the tenderer (whether a single company or a structure similar to a Joint Venture) complies with the eligibility criteria stated in the Tender Data and the tenderer, or any of his principals, is not under any restriction to do business with Eskom/State Owned Companies.

Tenderers are deemed ineligible to submit a tender if:

• Tenderers have the nationality of a country on any international sanctions list. A tenderer shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the tenderer is a national or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. This criterion shall also apply to the determination of the nationality of proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract including related services.

• Tenderers submit more than one tender either individually or as a partner in a joint venture (JV) or consortium

• Tenders submitted by a JV or consortium where the JV/consortium agreement does not explicitly state that the parties of the JV or consortium shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms.

• A tenderer must not have a conflict of interest. All tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A tenderer may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this tendering process, if:

  • they have a controlling partner/majority shareholder in common; or
  • they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the tender/proposal of another tenderer, or influence the decisions of the employer (Eskom) regarding this bidding process;

• Tenders signed by non-authorized persons

• Where the tenderers are not registered on National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (except Foreign Suppliers)

• A tender that fails to meet any pre-qualifying criteria stipulated in the tender documents is an unacceptable tender (section 4 (2) of PPPFA Regulations

• Any tenderer that is restricted by National Treasury

• A tenderer that sub-contracts 100% of the Scope of Work.

Ineligible tenderers will be disqualified.

Tender deadline is 10h00 on 07 July 2022

Late Tenders will not be accepted

Copy of original tender

The tenderer must submit the tender as a complete original tender, plus one (1) hard copy of the original tender and a memory (USB) stick at tender submission deadline. Should the tenderer fail to submit the memory stick, the tenderer will not be disqualified. Discs are not accepted.

Where a tenderer does not submit one hard copy of the original tender at tender submission deadline, the tenderer will be disqualified.

The tender will be valid for 26 weeks

Click here to download the Tender Data for more information

Contact Hellen Lebjane, Eskom, Phone 036 342-3044,