Invitation to attend two renewable energy workshops

TFSA (Trade Forward Southern Africa) will be Cape Town next week for the Africa Energy Indaba and invites you to come along – in person or via Zoom!

These free-of-charge workshops will teach you about TFSA’s work which seeks to boost the emerging green technology and renewables industry in South Africa. Two specialist workshops will be presented on Wednesday 2 March – if you’re not in Cape Town, you can join via the Zoom platform for the live stream.

March 2, 14h15: Exploring the sub-Saharan Africa renewable energy project landscape for opportunities for South African manufacturers in the sector

Presented by Duncan Bonnet from Africa House Consultancy, this session presents key findings of the TFSA survey mapping over 500 Sub-Sahara African wind, solar and hydrogen projects valued at nearly US$90-billion. If you are a supplier or investor in the renewable energy sector in Southern Africa, this event will guide you to new opportunities and new markets. If you can’t attend in person, register now and join via Zoom.

Register here now

March 2, 15h00: Navigating duty exemptions for imported components in manufacturing in the renewable energy sector in South Africa

Renewable sector specialist Donald MacKay from XA International Trade Advisers will clarify the duty exemption process for imported components used in the manufacturing and/or assembling of renewable energy equipment in South Africa. The potential for cuttings costs and time is huge – don’t miss this great opportunity to streamline your production and increase your competitiveness.

If you are unable to attend in person, register and join via Zoom.

Register here now

We hope to see you there!

For more information contact Zinhle Phakathi,