Final invitation: The role of OEMs in improving performance of Eskom coal-fired power stations


Organised and hosted by: EE Business Intelligence

Supported by: Babcock International Group, Siemens Energy and John Thompson – a division of ACTOM              

Date and time: Thursday 13 July 2023, 09h00 to 11h30 SA time 

Platform: Zoom Webinar

Cost: Free-of-charge

Moderators: Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence

To attend, register online here


After an opening keynote from an invited VIP, expert presenters from Babcock International Group, Siemens Energy and ACTOM John Thompson will each have a 20-minute slot to give their views on the topic at hand. This will then be followed by a 40-minute “fireside discussion” and Q & A session facilitated by Chris Yelland.


In February 2023, National Treasury announced that it had appointed the German VGBE Energy Consortium to assess and investigate the operations of Eskom’s coal fleet. This assessment is due to be concluded in July this year. 

National Treasury said that the outcome of the assessment will consider putting in place a concession model which could see original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) brought in to turn around and improve the energy availability factor and performance of Eskom coal-fired power plants. This is seen as critical to solving the electricity crisis and ending load shedding.

The purpose of this webinar is to explore and discuss this matter in more detail. Who are the OEMs? What technical expertise do they bring? What is their track record? Do they see a concession model as a viable prospect? Can OEMs help turn around the current crisis and end, or at least reduce, loadshedding?

To attend, register online here


09h00 – 09h10: Welcome, housekeeping and background by Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence

09h10 – 09h30: Opening keynote by invited VIP

09h30 – 09h50: Presentation by Babcock International Group

09h50 – 10h10: Presentation by Siemens Energy

10h10 – 10h30: Presentation by ACTOM John Thompson

10h30 – 11h10: Q & A facilitated by Chris Yelland

11h10 – 11h20: Wrap-up and takeaways by Chris Yelland

11h20 – 11h25: Thanks and conclusion by Chris Yelland

To attend, register online here