Eskom proposes over 36% price hike

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has published Eskom’s Multi-Year Price Determination (MYPD) for the next three financial years including a sharp electricity tariff increase for direct customers.

Eskom requires revenue of R446 billion in FY2026, R495 billion in FY2027 and R537 billion in FY2028. The utility expects to generate this income through tariff increases of 36,15%, 11,81% and 9,10% respectively.

In line with the MYPD methodology prescribed by NERSA, the revenue application is now entering public consultation phase. Stakeholders are urged to participate in shaping NERSA’s final decision, which will determine the tariffs to be implemented from April 1, 2025.

“We are entering the next phase of the regulatory process when NERSA will conduct extensive public consultation about Eskom’s revenue application and we urge as many stakeholders as possible to become involved so NERSA can determine a key component in the funding of constant electricity supply that drives economic growth and our quality of life for years to come,” said Calib Cassim, Chief Financial Officer of Eskom.

The proposed price hikes are part of Eskom’s long-term strategy to migrate towards cost-reflective pricing aimed at improving its financial sustainability and ensuring continued operation of its generation, transmission and distribution systems, the utility said in a statement.

Public consultations will be a key part of NERSA’s analysis expected to conclude before new tariffs are applied in 2025.

The application can be accessed on the NERSA website. It is also available on Eskom’s website.