Energize Issue 1, 2023, is out!

The first issue for 2023 of Energize has been released.

The format has changed to accommodate two issues per month.

This issue covers the topic of electricity generation from all sources of primary energy, and battery storage.

In addition to industry news and company news, this issue also includes articles on:  

  • Why condition monitoring is such an important factor in extending an asset's operational lifespan;
  • How to finance African energy projects;
  • Eskom's annual results;
  • Nersa's decision regarding electricity tariffs;
  • Time for Eskom to "seize the day" and fix its problems;
  • How nuclear power plants let the side down, just when they were needed; 
  • The energy sector offers wonderful opportunities as challenges are addressed;
  • How wind could supplement solar in urban installations; and
  • Understanding various aspects of battery life

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