If your company relies on stored energy backup power systems, it is vital you continuously monitor your batteries to ensure they are operating safely. An absence of an electrical supply could result in critical infrastructure, expensive processes, and even personnel being badly affected.
Silicon Engineering’s battery management systems (BMS) are locally designed and manufactured, cost-effective, readily available, robust, reliable and comply with all appropriate specifications. They use sophisticated microprocessor control circuits to intelligently protect themselves, and the batteries they are monitoring, in the event of a fault.

This intelligent system is able to send an SMS message to five mobile phones should a major alarm be triggered. This SMS would describe the unit’s location, cause, and time of the fault.
The BMS stores a record of everything that happens at the unit including results of periodic load tests. They use the serial RS232 protocol to communicate via Modbus RTU which can be connected to a SCADA system.
The company also developed “BMS-Studio” software which enables communication between a laptop or Ethernet/VPN and the battery management system.
Silicon Engineering has been developing and manufacturing high-quality battery management systems in South Africa for over 30 years. Thousands of these units are in daily use.
Contact Clive Rutter, Silicon Engineering, clive.r@silicon-online.co.za , www.silicon-online.co.za