Complete, versatile solution for air handling applications

Experience the power of WEG's electronically commutated motor - the WECM.

Designed with a built-in drive, it guarantees the best performance level in the market delivering heightened efficiency, safety, and reliability with speed control.

Whether it's for exhaust and ventilation systems in animal comfort settings like aviaries or pig farms and other livestock or for industrial kitchens and parking lots, our WECM is the perfect fit for diverse applications. Discover more about our commitment to sustainability and efficient power generation.

WECM has a built-in drive and the best performance level on the market.

The WECM was designed to guarantee much more efficiency, safety and reliability with speed control. Developed to meet different types of applications, such as exhaust and ventilation systems for animal comfort (such as aviaries, pig farms, livestock), parking lots, and industrial kitchens, among others, WECM is the complete solution for air movement.

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