Compact emergency stop button for industrial machines

Two years ago, Bernstein AG introduced its new safety rope limit switch (SRO), adding an extra layer of safety to the operation of machines and conveyor belts. Now in 2022, Bernstein has brought out a smaller version of the SRO offering greater space saving and versatility to the market. Bernstein has focused on developing the best electrical safety products to protect machine and process operators for over 70 years. The product family of safety rope pull switches is no exception.


The SRO provides an additional safety function for machine operators. It is designed to be installed on machines as a supplementary safety device to existing safety devices. The rope pull switch comes into play if other measures stop working or the operator is, for any reason, unable to conduct a normal stop.

An emergency stop happens when a dangerous movement is anticipated or has been spotted. It is different to a normal stop, which switches off the power. With one action, any person present can avert danger by pulling down on the rope or hitting the emergency stop button.

The SRO emergency stop device has an ISO13850 rating. Its compact design is useful for narrow spaces, with a maximum rope length of 30 metres. The housing comes in either metal or thermoplastic or as a combination of both. The SRO combines two different devices in one: an emergency stop activated by pulling a rope and an integrated emergency stop button on the device. Customers can choose either the simple rope pull or the rope pull with stop button.

Applications in which the SRO can be used include packaging machines; woodworking machines; intra-logistic systems; printing and paper machines; textile machines and automation systems.

Bernstein AG is able to offer a reliable and proven solution for specific customer applications.

Contact Karin Visser, Anglo Allied Engineering, Phone 011 766-1180,