Comments re legal case against Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

by the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA)

SAPVIA has been named as a Respondent in an application filed by Suntech Solar Power South Africa (Pty) Limited (Suntech Solar) on 3 September 2021. The case arises from Suntech Solar’s decision to challenge the Risk Mitigation IPP Procurement Programme’s decision-making process and the associated empirical data used which led to retrospective exemptions from designated local content (DLC) requirements.

Niveshen Govender

SAPVIA says it fully supports the objectives of the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic), and its efforts are therefore focused on ensuring an enabling environment for local manufacturing and ultimately industrialisation which needs to be done responsibly and sustainably, making economic sense.

SAPVIA’s chief operating officer, Niveshen Govender, says, “we have engaged Suntech on this matter to better understand the company’s position and have also reached out to the dtic to facilitate a conversation before legal action was taken. As we understand, the dtic should be in a position to respond to the challenge with the record of decision and empirical data-based research.”

Suntech Solar is said to be a member in good standing of SAPVIA.

As the representative body of the solar PV sector in South Africa, and as a result of the Association’s extensive efforts to drive sustainable and responsible localisation, including specific engagements with government and industry at large on this matter, SAPVIA has been cited as an interested party.

“No legal action is being taken against the Association,” Govender concludes.

SAPVIA is a member-led organisation formed with the express purpose of delivering a solar PV powered future for South Africa.

Contact Kim Thomas, SAPVIA, Tel 021 200-5856,