Cleaner fossil fuels for SA's energy sector

The South African National Energy Development Institute's (SANEDI’s) Applied Energy Research, Development and Innovation programme hosted a roundtable discussion recently which discussed the Cleaner Fossil Fuels Road Map for South Africa.

The event was well attended, with stakeholders from Mintek, Eskom, University of Johannesburg/CIMERA, FFF-Carbon, University of the Witwatersrand, and North West University.

The robust conversation probed the presented Cleaner Fossil Fuels Technologies, offered insights, gaps and future scope for the next phases of the road map.

The overall discussion emphasised the importance for collaboration and information sharing, to grow the information base for future research and avoiding duplication.

SANEDI plans to hold similar discussions on a regular basis with the aim of getting more stakeholders involved in the Cleaner Fossil Fuels initiatives and research.