CIGRE SA announces keynote speaker for upcoming conference

CIGRE Southern Africa is pleased to announce that Isabel Fick, the general manager for the system operator at Eskom will deliver the keynote address at the upcoming 11th CIGRE Southern Africa Regional Conference.

Fick has a wealth of knowledge and past experience. She is currently accountable for Eskom's system operator and is responsible for a number of critical areas including:

  • Management and control of the national transmission network of South Africa
  • Management and control of the national Eskom telecommunication network.
  • Grid Code compliance of all generators (IPPs and Eskom)
  • System studies and planning
  • Protection settings
  • Emergency exercises
  • Ancillary services and demand response products

CIGRE SA's 11th Regional Conference will provide a platform to deliberate on subjects that expound on how we can build, transform, adapt a resilient power system for the future. These discussions will be between electric utilities (generation/transmission/ distribution), municipalities, system operators, regulators, manufacturers and suppliers, universities, standardizing bodies, research laboratories and authorities on topics in the field of the development of electrical systems in Africa.

Theme: Power System Technologies for Sustainable Growth in Africa

Dates: 24 to 27 October 2023

Venue: CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria

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Contact Anelja de Bok, CIGRE,