‘Biggest wind farm in Africa’ to be completed by 2025

The Koruson 1 cluster of three wind farms outside Middelburg and Noupoort, with total installed capacity of 420 MW, is expected to be commercially operational by the first quarter of 2025.

Touted as the “biggest wind farm in Africa”, the Koruson 1 project includes three sites (Phezukomoya, San Kraal and Coleskop) spread across 50 square kilometres with 78 wind turbines installed on concrete towers. The 124 m-high concrete towers comprise 50 keystones – all manufactured locally at a concrete tower factory outside Middelburg. Half of the project’s 237 turbine blades and other required components have been delivered. Each blade on a turbine is 81,35 m long and weighs 28 tons.

Each wind farm has 140 MW capacity and the total investment in the project is R11bn, according to the South African Wind Energy Association.

A main transmission station and three substations are under construction to transmit power to Eskom.

The project, developed by EDF Renewables in partnership with H1 Holdings, GIBB-Crede and a local community trust, is part of Round 5 of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme.